
Hi! My name is Heidi - here's a bit about me.

I first discovered a genuine love for beer as an undergraduate in Pennsylvania (yes, I’m an American transplant in London). My first experience in “micro-brewed” beer was with Yuengling and Magic Hat – Yuengling a Pennsylvania local favourite, with a brewery right in Harrisburg PA, and Magic Hat a New England-based micro brewery, formed in the bubble developed from Sam Adams in Boston. Magic Hat was always popular amongst the women at Uni – particularly Number 9, which is an apricot based IPA. It wasn’t long until I developed a taste for IPA’s – the hoppier the better – which was a taste preference that would last me for about 10 years (we’ll say 7 – since technically I wasn’t drinking beer from the ages of 18 – 21). In 2014 I rediscovered my taste for the traditional lager – much of this was due to the lack of selection offered by pubs in the UK. For a while, I even stopped drinking much beer, because I just couldn’t get into the cask ales – but that’s a story for another day. In my opinion, London pubs have a way to go with selection, but they also offer experiences that are more than just beer. I have a new appreciation not just for the drink of beer, but the atmosphere and location as well. This is almost, if not just as, important to the drink itself. So, with that intro, welcome to my little space of thoughts and opinions on the best (and worst, and mediocre) places to enjoy a pint – with a friend, with a roast, with a date, or with a sporting event – I’ll do my best to explore new places, discover hidden little gems, and finally start to get out of strictly SW & W London :)